Observer Details

Find out more information about what to expect on the day of observation.

Where to Park

  • Free parking at all locations. Please park toward the end or furthest away from the entrance to ensure spots are available to patients and visitors.

What to Bring

  • Identification and approval letter
  • Lunch (OrthoIndy does not provide lunch but OI NW hospital has a café and all other locations have vending machines)
  • Any additional instructions from the provider

Dress Code

  • Clinic and OR observers: business casual (khakis, pants, polo, nice shirt, closed toe shoes)
  • You will be required to change into scrubs that will be provided for you here at OrthoIndy if participating in OR Surgery Observation.


  • Approval letters cannot exceed more than a three-month increment. It’s up to the provider on how many days allowed to observers.
  • If more time is needed, contact [email protected] for additional approval letters.


  • Please have all evaluations for observations and rotations sent to the provider/preceptor that accepted you. This ensures all documentation is filled out appropriately reviewing your time spent here at OrthoIndy.

Provider Documentation

  • If your school requires forms to be filled out prior to your observation/rotation starting, a copy of the provider’s CV, etc., please contact [email protected].

Illness/Late Arrivals

  • It’s your responsibility to contact your preceptor/provider if you will be sick or late during your scheduled experience.
  • Please obtain the provider’s contact information prior to observation/rotation experience.

Please do not call the Human Resources office seeking assistance in pairing you with a provider. Providers all have different schedules, locations, vacations, other students currently with them, etc., and the Human Resources office does not have access to that information.